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Saturday, April 28, 2012


a new mlm company in Indian market: US based company which has a product with having main content as: Acai Berry Company website: for details of Acai berry: CLICK HERE the business plan offered in India is as under:  THERE ARE 8 WAYS TO EARN             INCOME* WITH MONAVIE   01 DIRECT SALES 02 TOP RETAILERS BONUS 03 FIRST ORDER BONUS 04 STAR MAKER BONUS 05 RANK ADVANCEMENT BONUS 06 TEAM BONUS 07 GROWTH BONUS 08 EXECUTIVE CHECK MATCH BONUS 01 DIRECT SALES Selling MonaVie products directly to your customers is the first pillar of...

Thursday, April 12, 2012


SLIM MILL The fitness massager features a user-friendly control panel for intuitive operation. The sturdy construction ensures high durability. This fitness massager helps to burn fat with vibration. Designed with insulation housing. Designed with safety in mind. Product Description Ergonomic construction with fashionable streamline design. Extra-large console with 3-LED displayer deliver feedback of time, speed and body fat value 3 build-in workout program, body fat scan Wide range speed accommodate different workout desirous Dual steel frame painted with fashionable color High quality motor...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Key Ingredients: Amla, Noni, Aloe vera, Wildberry (Strawberry, Blackberry, Rasberry, Blackcurrant, Blue Berry, Cherry, Cranberry, red Currant, Elderberry), Goji berry, Cranberry, Acai Berry Other: Sugarfree sweetener, stabilizer Strengths: Antioxidant health drink, diabetic friendly, 100% vegetarian, excellent blend of berrys, better antioxident capabilities from all ingredients than all other health drinks available in the market, UNIQUE BLEND OF 15 BERRYS, Special Herbs added add lot of other benefits apart from Antioxident effect only, ACAI BERRY is world famous ingredient having having hundreds of healthy benefits, Product licensed...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Bladeless Fan : Experience the Future  Imagine yourself trying to sleep on a hot and dry summer night. Sure the fan is on, but it’d rather be turned off for all the good it’s been doing. Not to mention the creaking noise loud enough to keep you miles away from sleep. At times like these, you wish that you could just dump your old fan and get an air-conditioner instead. But then again the problem of price arises. Not all of us have the money to enjoy the cool breeze from the air-conditioner.  So does that mean there is no escape from this sweltering heat? Of course not!!!                 ...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Gas Safe Safety Device Description/ Specification of Gas Safe Safety Device GAS SAFE is an innovative mechanical device launched for domestic LPG gas cylinder. Protect your family with GAS SAFE! Which Prevent from accidents? Rs: 0.50 to 75 lac. Product liable Insurance, so ensure your family and your property. Although gas is users friendly but incase of gas leakage it can cause big disaster to your family & property for what we really sweat all life. ...

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